# Lists

  • Besides the inherited font and color styling, also the markers and position of lists can be further formatted:
property example description
list-style-type list-style-type: circle; specifies the marker of a list item
list-style-image list-style-image: url(sign.png); sets an image as the marker of a list item
list-style-position list-style-position: inside; specifies the position of the list item markers

# list-style-type

  • The list-style-type property sets the marker of a list item element
    • Possible values: disc, circle, square, decimal, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, none, any Unicode character (e.g. "★" or "\2605"), ...
    • list-style-type: none is a common setting in lists that form the basis of navigation bars



ul {
    list-style-type: square;

ol {
    list-style-type: upper-alpha;


  • The list-style-type property can be set on li, ul and ol elements
  • In the example code above, the list-style-type property is set on the parent elements ul and ol. Because this is an inherited property, it is applied to all child/li elements of these (un)ordered lists.
EMMET instruction result
list + TAB list-style-type: ;
list:n + TAB list-style-type: none;

# list-style-image

  • The list-style-image property sets an image to be used as the marker of a list item element


ul {
    list-style-image: url(sign1.png);


If the image is unavailable for some reason, the value specified for list-style-type will be used as list item marker

EMMET instruction result
lisi + TAB list-style-image: ;

# list-style-position

  • The list-style-position property specifies the position of the list item markers (relative to the list item)
    • Possible values: inside, outside (= default)


ul {
    list-style-position: inside;
EMMET instruction result
lisp + TAB list-style-position: ;
lisp:i + TAB list-style-position: inside;

# All-in-one example

  • As we format several lists using only one style sheet style.css (for all webpages), we have to avoid conflicts
    • We use a descendant selector nav ul to select only the list of the navigation bar
    • We use descendant selectors #image li (and #image li li) to select the list items within the element with id="image" (and the list items within list items within the element with id="image")
    • We use ul#inside (and ul#outside) to specifically select the list with id="inside" (and the list with id="outside")
Last Updated: 11/27/2020, 4:14:32 PM