# Borders

  • You can supply each HTML element with a border
  • In order to specify a border, you can either specify border-style, border-width and border-color separately, or use the shorthand property border (recommended)
  • Also the properties border-radius and box-shadow, which are somewhat related to borders, are discussed in this section
property example description
border-style border-style: solid; specifies the style of a border
border-width border-width: 2px; specifies the width of a border
border-color border-color: #f04c25; specifies the color of a border
border border: 3px solid red; shorthand to specify all properties of a border at once
border-radius border-radius: 15px; specifies the roundness of the corners of an element
box-shadow box-shadow: 6px 6px 3px grey; adds shadow to an element

# border-style

  • Specifies the style of the border
    • Possible values: solid, dotted, dashed, double, inset, outset, ...


img {
    border-style: solid;


This property has no default value. It has to be specified or no border will be shown!

EMMET instruction result
bds + TAB border-style: ;
bds:s + TAB border-style: solid;

# border-width

  • Specifies the width of the border
    • Possible values: thin, medium (= default), thick, ...px


img {
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 5px;
EMMET instruction result
bdw + TAB border-width: ;

# border-color

  • Specifies the color of the border


img {
    border-style: solid;
    border-color: red;
EMMET instruction result
bdc + TAB border-color: #000;

# Shorthand property border

  • By using the shorthand property border, you can specify the width, style and color in one statement


img {
    border: 5px solid red;
EMMET instruction result
bd+ + TAB border: 1px solid #000;


  • If you only want to specify a left, top, right or bottom border, you can use the similar properties border-left, border-top, border-right and border-bottom
  • Also the separate style, width and color properties exist for left, top, right and bottom: border-left-style, border-top-width, border-bottom-color, ...

# border-radius

  • The property border-radius allows us to round the corners of an element's border
    • If you supply one value (border-radius: 50px;), it applies to all four corners
    • If you supply two values (border-radius: 50px 20px;), the first value (50px) applies to the top-left and bottom-right corner, the second value (20px) applies to the top-right and bottom-left corner
    • If you supply three values (border-radius: 50px 10px 75px;), the first value (50px) applies to the top-left corner, the second value (10px) applies to the top-right and bottom-left corner and the third value (75px) applies to the bottom-right corner (rarely used)
    • If you supply four values (border-radius: 0px 20px 5px 40px;), the first value (0px) applies to the top-left corner, the second value (20px) applies to the top-right corner, the third value (5px) applies to the bottom-right corner and the fourth value (40px) applies to the bottom-left corner (clockwise)
  • In theory this property can be applied to any element but obviously, the result will only be noticeable if
    • the element has a "visible/colored" border or background
    • the element is an image


img {
    border-radius: 50px;


  • Use img { border-radius: 50%; } to make a circular image (out of a square image)
  • In other scenarios, avoid using percentages and use absolute values. This will make sure the rounded corners look more modern.
EMMET instruction result
bdrs + TAB border-radius: ;

# box-shadow

  • The property box-shadow allows us to add shadow effects around an element
    • Syntax: box-shadow: hoff voff blur spread color;
value required/optional description
hoff required position of the horizontal shadow; negative values are allowed
voff required position of the vertical shadow; negative values are allowed
blur optional blur radius; default value is 0px
spread optional spread radius; make shadow bigger (positive value) or smaller (negative value); default value is 0 (shadow is as large as element)
color optional (partially transparent) color of the shadow


img {
    box-shadow: 10px 10px 5px rgba(155, 245, 255, 0.5);


Avoid using a harsh box shadow for a modern look & feel. Instead, go for a more minimalistic use of the feature.

# All-in-one example

<h1>CSS3 - Borders: example</h1>
<p>Thomas More is the largest university of applied sciences in Flanders, offering more than 30 Dutch-taught and a range of English-taught bachelor degree programmes &amp; postgraduates in the province of Antwerp. </p> <article> <a class="primary">Primary</a> <a class="secondary">Secondary</a> </article> <img id="exterior" src="https://picsum.photos/300/200" alt="old car exterior" />
h1 {
  /* border-left-style: solid;
     border-left-width: 5px;
     border-left-color: #FA6432; */
  border-left: 5px solid #FA6432;
img { border-radius: 15px 30px; }
p, img, a { box-shadow: 0px 5px 15px rgba(0, 40, 60, .17); }
.primary { color: white; background-color: #FA6432; border-left: 5px solid #C03D1E; }
.secondary { color: #FA6432; background-color: white; border: 2px solid #FA6432; }
a:hover, a:active, a:focus { color: white; background-color: #C03D1E; border-color: #C03D1E; }
/* Box model */ h1 { margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 10px; }
p { margin: 0px 20px; padding: 20px; }
img { margin: 20px; }
article a { margin: 20px 0 0 20px; }
.primary { padding: 14px 28px; }
.secondary { padding: 12px 26px; }
/* Display */ article a { display: inline-block; }


To get a more realistic looking example, we used padding and margin from the Box Model. You will learn more about what it means and how it's used in a later chapter.

Last Updated: 9/14/2023, 11:37:49 AM