# 2D Transforms

  • A transform is an effect that lets an element change its shape, size and position


  • Use this interactive example page to play with most of the properties and methods discussed below
    • Note that you can double-click on a label to reset the related value
  • The transform methods and transform-related properties are:
methods and properties description
translate(unit ,[unit]),translateX(unit), translateY(unit) move an element on the X and/or Y axis
rotate(angle), rotateX(angle), rotateY(angle) rotate an element around a fixed X, Y point
scale(nr [, nr]), scaleX(nr), scaleY(nr) scale an element along the X and/or Y axis
skew(angle), skewX(angle), skewY(angle) skew an element along the X and/or Y axis
transform-origin: unit, unit set the transformation point
backface-visibility: visible | hidden is the backface visible or not

# translate()

  • Move an element along the X and/or Y axis
    • Positive arguments describe a move to the right/bottom
    • Negative arguments move an element left/upwards
  • You can use units like px, rem, %, ...
  • translate(arg) with one argument behaves exactly the same as translateX(arg)
EMMET instruction result description
trf:t + TAB transform: translate(); move an element on the X axis (and on the Y axis)
trf:tx + TAB transform: translateX(); move an element on the X axis
trf:ty + TAB transform: translateY(); move an element on the Y axis


The Emmet instructions mentioned above (and the transform-, transition- and animation-related Emmet instructions in the following chapters) produce some additional lines with vendor prefixes (-webkit-, -moz-, -ms- and/or -o-)

  • In general, these lines may/should be deleted because all major browsers support transforms, transitions and animations
  • Or, instead of using Emmet for these (less common) properties, you rely on the suggestions made by your code editor when you start typing

# rotate()

  • Rotate an element around a fixed point (the default rotation point is center on both the X and Y axis)
    • Positive angles rotate clockwise
    • Negative angles rotate counterclockwise
  • The angle can be described as deg (degrees), turn, rad (radians) or grad (gradians)
    • The relationship between deg and turn is:
      360deg = 1turn, 180deg = .5turn, 45deg = .125turn, 10deg = .028turn, ...


Notice that in a 2D plane, rotateX() and rotateY() result in a squeezed element

EMMET instruction result description
trf:r + TAB transform: rotate(); rotate an element around a fixed point
trf:rx + TAB transform: rotateX(); rotate an element horizontally around a fixed point
trf:ry + TAB transform: rotateY(); rotate an element vertically around a fixed point


  • Open the CodePen in full screen
  • Open DevTools and select the second span tag
  • Double click on the angle of rotateX()
  • Use the mousewheel or arrow keys to increment/decrement the value Chrome tip

# scale()

  • Scale or "zoom" an element along the X and/or Y axis
    • Arguments larger than 1 correspond to zooming in
    • Arguments smaller than 1 will zoom out
  • scale(arg) with one argument scales along both the X and Y axis, i.e., it behaves as scaleX(arg) AND scaleY(arg)
EMMET instruction result description
trf:sc + TAB transform: scale(); scale an element along the X axis (and along the Y axis)
trf:scx + TAB transform: scaleX(); scale an element along the X axis
trf:scy + TAB transform: scaleY(); scale an element along the Y axis

# skew()

  • Skew an element along the X and/or Y axis
  • The angle can be described as deg, turn, rad or grad
  • skew(angle) with only one angle behaves exactly the same as skewX(angle)
EMMET instruction result description
transform: skew(); skew an element along the X axis (and along the Y axis)
trf:skx + TAB transform: skewX(); skew an element along the X axis
trf:sky + TAB transform: skewY(); skew an element along the Y axis

# Combining methods

  • You can combine two or more transform methods by separating them with a space


  • Image on the left: transform: rotate(45deg) translateX(70px) means:
    first rotate(45deg), then translateX(70px) the already rotated element
  • Image on the right: transform: translateX(70px) rotate(45deg) means:
    first translateX(70px), then rotate(45deg) the already translated element Order matters

# transform-origin

  • Until now, our transformations took place around the default reference or transformation point, which is the center of the element
  • The transform-origin: x y property can change this transformation point
  • Possible values are:
    • top, center, bottom, left or right
    • units like px, % rem, ...
  • In the example below, all blocks rotate by 10deg but the rotation is not immediately visible as the rotation takes place on the :hover state:
    • First block: no value for transform-origin (default is transform-origin: center center)
    • Second block: transform-origin: left top
    • Third block: transform-origin: right bottom
    • Last block: transform-origin: 15% 45%
EMMET instruction result description
trfo + TAB transform-origin: ; set the transformation point

# backface-visibility

  • When you rotate an element between 90deg and 270deg around the X and/or Y axis, the backface is by default visible and the content is shown in mirror image
  • You can easily hide (the backface of an) element with the property backface-visibility: hidden;
  • In the example below:
    • Change the transformY() angle to a value between 0 and 360deg
    • Angle between 0 ... 90deg or between 270deg ... 360deg: both span tags are visible
    • Angle between 90deg ... 270deg: the second span tag is hidden



span {
    transform: rotateY(45deg);    /* change value between 0 and 360deg */
div:nth-child(2) span {
    backface-visibility: hidden;  /* hidden between 90deg and 270deg */
EMMET instruction result description
bfv:h + TAB backface-visibility: hidden; the backface of an element is not visible
bfv:v + TAB backface-visibility: visible; the backface of an element is visible
Last Updated: 9/11/2024, 7:14:38 PM